A TRUE story of a real college teacher's experiences from the spirit and psychic world
Updated 2023
Following University in the UK, Jonny embarked on an adventurous teaching career which has taken him to many countries around the world.
Whilst on his travels teaching, both inside and outside the classroom and colleges, he soon found himself being drawn spiritually to certain places, situations and people, often with a message.
This often surprised the recipient and in some circumstances rendered himself in danger which is explained in his fascinating book, Spirits in The Classroom.
Experiences include significant, supernatural phenomena as well as spirits making their presence known at inconvenient times.
As he developed the ability and began to tune in more, he began to travel and teach. He felt it needed an outlet and purpose.
His most recent spirit experiences came through travel and teaching in Burma, Vietnam,
Thailand, Singapore to Mongolia and other interesting locations.
In The Philippines he found himself randomly giving successful readings to some of the locals there.
Jonny Angels still teaches and also periodically attends a renowned, registered Spiritualist College for psychic and spiritual development
Jonny Angels 2023 ©
Spirits in The Classroom
Author: Jonny Angels
Paperback: 176 pages
Publisher: Grosvenor House Publishing Limited
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1781483426
ISBN-13: 978-1781483428
A copy of Jonny Angel's book can be ordered Worldwide at most good bookstores OR via the links below.
* Also available as an eBook Kindle/eReader
Jonny Angels is a real college teacher and lecturer who has been able to rediscover his psychic and mediumship abilities while teaching in schools and colleges around the world.
He is the author of the book, Spirits in the Classroom, which tells the fascinating story of his spiritual journey whilst teaching and travelling.
Through his work, Jonny has developed a deep understanding of spirit guides and their roles in connecting us to the Divine. He believes that spirit guides are powerful allies that can help us to access our inner wisdom and higher truths.
His book offers comfort and an insight to help people to accept the spiritual world more. Jonny has attended one of the UK's most notorious, residential Spiritualist colleges near London.
Author and teacher
Jonny Angels
A True Story of a Real Teacher's fascinating experiences from the spirit and psychic world

A copy of the book can be ordered at most good book stores OR via Amazon
*eBook now available

From on the road in The Philippines to his trips in a plethora of countries such as Burma (Myanmar), Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand to Mongolia, this book should be a stimulating read to those curious about the afterlife.
This is a true story of a qualified teacher who discovered a clairvoyant ability which lay somewhat dormant up until his teaching career.
That's when spiritual communications began to happen both inside and outside the schools and universities.
This author has had the opportunity to teach multi-national students which include Mongolians, Chinese, Vietnamese, Burmese, Thai, Cambodian, Japanese, Indonesian, Europeans, Arabs and many others.
Jonny Angels believes his psychic and spiritual experiences were enhanced by his career in teaching. He believes that it had only lay dormant from his youth although it never really went away.
The experiences involve communication with the 'dead' to strange occurrences travelling as well as in the school and college classroom.
This book should offer an eye-opener to those who already share or wish to know more about the psychic and spiritual phenomena.
Spirit photography is also included in this book for which Jonny devotes a considerable amount of his personal time. Some impressive spirit photography material has been added from his personal albums.